Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How Horus-RA Taught me the Ascension

Here's a personal little diddy I like to talk about because 1. It's become a favorite memory. 2. Others may share the same one and validation will affirm your experience. (Bare with me. I'm coming off a numbering things thing.) This memory came to me in 2015 when we were collectively receiving our downloads, aka pieces of our dismembered Souls were called back.

                                         (Familiar, anyone? Our group worked in a room that
                                          was below ground but had more light than this one.)

Picture it. Ancient Egypt. There I was.  A loveable, albeit figgidty and slightly bratty scamp of about eight. I was in a male form but the Soul has no gender and being that I'm no good with the male ego, I much prefer the more difficult yet more rewarding female vessel.  My group of students were male and female. We worked at least some of the time, together. We used to practice expanding our hearts out in group meditations. Now, the way this would work is that we entered a meditative state (taught ever so, ever so, ever so patiently to me by Dad and Thoth. Ever so patiently. LOL!) and we would join our chords with the planet and then join our hearts and minds with those in our group. Next, we had to expand our Loving intentions out for one another and uplift the group  and humanity within our minds and into the fifth dimension of oneness with our Love and within our Minds. Now, because this induces a telepathic connection and because I was a little bra-, ahem, kid, I would often complain that it felt like I was putting in the most Loving intentions and not getting much back. I felt the group was not pulling their weight. Dad would tell me that I was not to mind what others were doing but that I was to concern myself with soley my OWN efforts and the reward for hard work was the hard work itself. Of course, I really did not like this answer but I decided to do it for my Dad and place my mind on trusting His words.

                                                  (Slightly begrudgingly but I worked on it. Lol.)

At this time, everyone wore theirs masks. I don't think I ever saw my Father without his Horus-Ra mask. He and Horus-Ra were One as far as I was concerned. Even Thoth would teach me with mask in place. And I remember that after group practice and meditations, Thoth would take me onto his lap (I probably ran off to play one time too many times before he decided gluing me down was best) and instruct me on anatomy, science, astrology, math and everything else that had to do with Universal secrets. I would always wander off in my mind and Thoth would tap on my chubby knees and tell me, "Pay attention! Your presence is the highest gift you could give anybody." (Imagine the "!" as sweet and not angry. He was always so (ten o's) patient.) It did not occur to me at that young age what that could possibly mean. It was only in this realm that I finally understood the true Magic behind those words.

                                         (Dad: "Thanks for helping with the kiddos, pal!"
                                          Thoth: "We got this, brah!" <---so, sooo patient.)

The next memory entailed me at a slightly older age. Somewhere around 14 or 15. I was given a poison and I drank it by choice. It was a high honor and there was so much Love involved not just in training but during the ritual. Everyone seemed nervous but me. I supposed because I was not privy to a lot of information and that was for the best. Dad had his Horus-Ra mask on as per usual. Anubis and Thoth as well. I laid down and the slab was pulled over me. Total darkness. There was a nervous tension in the air that I did not really understand.

                                            (Is this what happened after the poison? No se.
                                              I just woke up like this. LOL!)

What seemed like a few moments passed and I re-opened my eyes to the sound of Anubis sliding off the slab. He seemed quite shocked that I opened my eyes and let out a cough. I didn't get why he seemed shocked till I read in this realm that not many passed the test. I laugh now at how much I seemed to surprise him. Lol. The masks were no longer masks but real. I had woken up out of the third dimension and was now in the fourth  and able to choose a body fitting to my path now that I was able to maintain my astral beyond death. I now understood what Dad said all those years. It was my Love and my belief in His word that allowed me to release in myself enough hormones to ensure the ascension. It was my heart that resurrected me as they sang me into the next realm so that my heart and Soul could follow. I had strengthened my Heart enough for the voyage and THAT is why it was no concern of mine who was doing what but that I was giving it my All at All times. And for that, Dad, I owe you my ETERNAL THANKS!!!

You didn't have to take the time out to invest in my Soul and many children let you down despite your best efforts and intentions yet time and time again, you gave it your All. Because of You, I AM.
You are the GREAT HORUS-RA!!!

The City of Light is Within

Many pardons for my absence, my friends. I have been absorbed, like many, in anchoring and releasing. There is a lot of heart space that needs tending to when you embark upon your own embodiment phase. Moving on, quite a few people have begun reaching out to me which tell me that my little black dragons I left trailing behind when I ripped through the Orion net (heehee) may be hatching out there proverbial cosmic eggs.  I have had quite a few of my own downloads; however, I always sit on them for a while as I question to myself 1. Is it personal or planetary? 2. Is is helpful? 3. Can this intel be sabotaged? Now, I'm not going to go over portals and diamond codes, etc that you will see as you awaken because those topics are covered ad nauseam and we each have our own specific gifts. What I will share goes into my own personal downloads and memories which may or may not trigger you. As they say, eat the fish. Spit out the bones.

Here we go.

                                        (This is the closest photo I could find though I saw it as more like present day city scapes though the colors are very similar and there is definitely a flowing and etheric feel. It is very light to hold in your mind.)

The City of Light.  Many readers will have come across this topic in either ancient teachings or New Age sites (Careful. Those have been infiltrated. Take what you read with a grain of salt. Even what you read here!). I never really gave much thought to what this could mean and never really invested much in the accounts because they seemed very non-specific. Well, I am here to report to you that the City of Light IS in fact, not only REAL but ACCESSIBLE!!!

Until now, the City of Light has been well guarded. Not so much a well guarded secret but it has been a well guarded location. And for very good reason. One can easily use the information gained there for their own selfish means. (The technology there is beyond anything presently conceivable. )Well, not any longer! We are out of the lower densities that prohibited the City of Light to reveal itself (in order to ensure its survival into the higher dimensions and our existence.)

Who created the City of Light? WE DID!!! (Surprised? I was! Lol!) We are co-creating it presently as well as with our Higher Selves. Where is the City of Light? WITHIN! Specifically? Within the chambers of the brain that can both emit and perceive the highest frequencies and the most elegant neurotransmitters.  How does the mind currently perceive the City of Light? When you access it and are granted entry (there are guards), you will perceive it as a wonderful flowing center of Light of bright and pastel colors signifying the most purified and rarefied thoughts and neurotransmitters.

How did humans create the City of Light? Those specifics I am not privy to yet as I was only permitted to glimpse the outside. I did not want to fully enter because I was unsure if I would carry back anything that could be used against us to destroy out City. But it is constructed and maintained from our highest thoughts and intentions.

What exactly is the City of Light? In the most simplest terms, it is the collection of our highest wishes for the human collective and the planet. It is a self-perfecting, super efficient, self-informing organization of telepathic Human thought that allows for the blissful and joyful upliftment of All. The illusion of effort does not exist. All thoughts are in alignment with the Highest Good of All and therefore, it contains all the technologies of Gaia-Sophia such as Eternal health, youth, and blissful expansion. It holds the appearance of an actual City because it represents the highest thoughts of the society of man organized into the highest and healthiest efficiency. The society of man always aggregates itself into a City in order to maintain highest efficiency because this was genetically encoded into us as part of the Cosmic Plan. In other words, one can easily access the technology required for Free Energy, Instant Manifestation, Regeneration and more that is beyond our current and stunted imagination. Nothing you access from here can harm Gaia-Sophia or serve only your Self. It will always serve and uplift the All in a joyful and blissful way.

I have had this information for quite a while. Over six months. I am quite confident to say that the City of Light cannot be breached by anyone wishing to use the information or technology for their own selfish needs as they (those who inhabit and protect the City of Light)  are privy to this and 1. You cannot access the City of Light unless you have reached a certain hormonal capacity that can only be achieved after a succession of selfless acts of Love. 2. Any information that has been given out cannot be used against the City as the Human Collective has acquired the capacity to sabotage the sabotageurs, if you know what I mean. ;)

Who build the City of Light? All humans who have given selflessly to the Planetary Ascension as that is what the City of Light serves. Those who choose to no longer embody are still able to work there in Spirit. A little old lady guard gave me the once over when I approached. Good for Her. Trust no 3D mortal unless they pass the tests. The abyss has a way with messing with you. Lol! All of your highest and most expansive thoughts and intentions get saved up there and may even come from there. We are beginning to REconnect as one mind (we are All like neurons within the Human Mind of Gaia-Sophia's lucid dream). As we REconnect, access will be easier and the outer manifestation of the City of Light will begin to take form. Till then, you may access it through meditation and the awareness that it is within the central cavities of the brain and perceived as a City of flowing Lights.

Love, Peace and Elbow Grease!