Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Discover Your Greatness: March 2016 New Moon and Solar Eclipse

As well all know, Ascension is a life long process that comes in waves and flows. Not one process looks or begins like the other so comparing progress would be as effective as checking your reflection in a shoe box. After all, it is the seemingly sporadic blooming of the roses on a rose bush that makes the whole damn orchestra of life beautiful to begin with. When 2012 happened to me, I was in the non-believer file. I completely believed in my galactic memories and paranormal experiences but my faith that I would see global awakening in this lifetime was on constant life support. And nor did I foresee the tremendous strength of entry Gaia-Sophia would make into my life! She was not a fading memory wrapped in tears or some hopeful wish but an unconquerable Source. Our Mother Source!  One of my favorite Ascension way showers Sandra Waters writes  in her last article Deepening For the Next Wave that "The week prior to the Solar Eclipse on March 8 (Maximum at 5:55pmPT with the New Moon) is a passage of deep choices, the Solar aspect of Self, and focus on full unification with the highest outcomes possible. It sets into form the unfoldment of those choices over the next few months. Purge any remaining thoughts of fear, worry, doubt – you will need to surrender to the higher consciousness completely, if embodiment is your personal quest. The eclipse provides pure magnetics, and we may use it to our advantage.The week prior to the Solar Eclipse on March 8 (Maximum at 5:55pmPT with the New Moon) is a passage of deep choices, the Solar aspect of Self, and focus on full unification with the highest outcomes possible. It sets into form the unfoldment of those choices over the next few months. Purge any remaining thoughts of fear, worry, doubt – you will need to surrender to the higher consciousness completely, if embodiment is your personal quest. The eclipse provides pure magnetics, and we may use it to our advantage."

Now, I don't know about you but I have definitely been feeling the effects of yet more cosmic sludge rising to the surface to be released. On the plus side, the flashbacks are becoming more detailed and precise now that they have been dislodged from even the atomic structures of our cells (the atomic is akin to the cosmic). Many of these stories hold quantuum packets of information that beckon to be released as they hold the old stories of trauma, control, war, anger, abuse et al. You may be receiving intense dreams or glimpses of intense images. For example, today while getting ready to set out, I saw a very sharp and familiar image of my hand in a very worn and unstrapped fingerless glove handling levers at a dashboard. I began to see Lyran faces (Finally. Memories of my memories. I can finally remember back to the good ole Lyran boys. Stern and serious as ever. Haha.) I usually stay away from books and writings about galactic histories until I receive my own memories so as to not become persuaded or influenced one way or another. This way, I can be sure my memories are not mere suggestions. I was born with memories of Mars and Orion so I never hesitated to see what others said but these Lyran memories are a very welcome reunion. And this will most likely be amplified by the Solar Eclipse and New Moon. We will continue to reunite with more and more aspects of our "selves" that we left in other parts of the Universe and embody them here on Gaia so as to complete our galactic missions.

It is said that magnetism is considered to be the negative pole of prana. Magnetism is the receptive and feminine quality of Gaia that attracts like unto itself. It is Her feeling and seductive force that makes work seem like pleasure when Love, as the magnetic feeling force, compels.  Magnetism is present in Gaia's blood as iron. It is this quality that anchors, attracts and compels (in a good, irresistible way)  spirit into embodiment. The core of Gaia is said to be a giant iron molten lava magnet. It is the flow of this liquid iron that creates electric current that in turn creates magnetism. (Right hand rule, anyone?) When Gaia dreams Herself as an aspect, it is dreamt in Her magnetic self. It is dreamt first as a possibility. When She dreams of a starseed, the cosmic feels compelled to answer "the call."

The spirit of a person is the totality of that person. When you are a child, you feel that the "truth" of yourself is the child. When you become a teenager, you feel that you were really a child waiting to become a teenager. Another truth. When you step into adulthood, you look back and view yourself as the child who had within her the potential of your "true" self, the adult. And yet, you were always you. Spirit feels into the "reality" of itself. A human is child, maiden and crone all in one and is constantly self-revealing like an unending toroidal force. All are true. All are spiritual potentials and true in spirit until embodied through blood to be felt so that spirit can feel into the reality of itself. It is this electric force of Spiritual potential that gets called down to and attracted to Gaia so that it can descend, embody and know itself in form. As a living story within the living library of Gaia-Sophia.

During a Solar Eclipse, the moon blocks the sun. The moon is representative of our reflective capabilities. It is the mirror in which our thoughts can look into so that we may guide ourselves through the dark and bring our hidden and undiscovered aspects back into the light so that we may know and experience them in form.  There will be no solar influence during the eclipse and this is an invitation to check-in and turn in. The Sun is pausing and asking "Is this really what you want to embody and live out?" And that is a question we must answer honestly and courageously. Are we dreaming big enough and allowing as much of our higher selves in as possible or is low self-worth shrinking our permission to be and live greatly for Gaia. Are you the Star of your own show? Are you asking for the role of a lifetime and preparing for it? Preparation is alignment.

Many believe our sun is a portal. We may even remember that it is through star gates that our consciousness descended slowly in integral steps of limitations into the lower realities until we reached the density in which the Universe of our choosing was located. Due to this, many parts of our consciousness could not descend or become embodied and for this we feel many pieces of our soul still reside in the higher planes. We experience the memories as simultaneous to now. Because the truth is, they are simultaneous to now and where you have memory, you have DNA because DNA IS memory (more on that later). We are now being invited to embody more of our higher selves that we left on the higher realms and home planets. These electrical aspects are the spirit of us, the potential of our greatness,  that can now enter to become embodied and know as living stories. The solar eclipse is an opportunity to dislodge from the collective mind, from all the does not serve you and recenter. Turn within and feel into your heart who it is YOU want to embody. And then to align and awaken that within you as you allow your higher self now to enter through the solar gate with clear intention and nourish your body vehicle and mind. Many of us can feel dizzy or get fainting spells when our higher selves descend or integrate within our bodies. This is due to vibrational shock as well as the organs of the body getting used to the new levels of hormones. And I would not be surprised if we eventually discovered new hormones. Ascensions is very much hormonal. It's as if we are in some galactic puberty. Awkward phase and all. The Solar Eclipse and the New Moon are fully supporting us to wipe the slate and be clear about the life we intend.

Orion was a very mental existence. And so my "self" honors these changes with the mental consecration of ritual. Ritual helps us to realign our mind with our spiritual intentions while using 3D items to stand in for mental paradigms, concepts or archetypes. We create a 3D scenario that represents a 4D reality that places us in alignment with our 5D truth. We readjust our mindsets until the mind is reset to our liking. Perception creates reality. The Solar Eclipse is on the heels of New Moon which is the perfect opportunity to honor this time as a massive release so that the new may enter in and through you.  Because the New Moon will be in Pisces, we will be further empowered to complete cycles of energies that no longer serve us as Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac. Many of us have been feeling a lot of activity within our cores and brain stems. This is kundalini energy.  We are co-directing our collective evolution so that Mather Gaia-Sophia may live freely and blissfully through us.

Today in meditation, I saw a crystal descend into a pool of water, realize its own reflection, realize its oneness with its reflection, become the totality of the reflection, and the water and pierce through the rippling water. The plane of the water turned upside down as the crystal that was previously  submerging itself in the water began to appear emerging from within its depths and ascend as a city of light. I saw my higher self emerge from this city as a luminous hooded women as she melted into a luminous triangle of consciousness. I believe this may be duality folding in on itself and our higher selves emerging from the Unity consciousness of all our collective memories. All paradoxes and traumas resolved and beautified. We can only emerge from this more beautiful.

I later saw a winding stream appear before me as if very ancient cosmic waters have finally found their way towards me after eons of struggles, blockages, dead ends and near annihilation.  I received the message that although waters of consciousness may have taken fantastically long to burst forth through the underground and arrive through and despite winding paths and stumbling rocks and blocks,  as a result we are receiving only the best and most purified waters.  Drink in and enjoy. You deserve it! She who can swallow her anger for the good of all is stronger than she who cannot. Galactic memories coming more on line as we are invited to release even our galactic past traumas.

How to Channel the Powers of a Goddess or God

At first, the notion that one can channel a god or goddess seems frightening. At the best, impossible. But as I see it and remember it partially, gods and goddesses are archetypal energies that exist outside Gaia's grounded humanity. As we know, Orion brought with them the cosmic pantheon of Isis and Osiris and Horus when they arrived in Egypt in order to assist humanity in its ascension. Each of them representing a necessary facet that means something intimate and personal to each individual ascension process. Consider an archetypal energy like a huge massive human current and we are the tiny humans within that human. They exist beyond us and are of a vast and tremendous torrential intelligence but they need us to interact on Gaia as intermediaries and we need them for....HELP!!! The Gods and Goddesses aligned with Gaia are countless as we are all familiar with some very famous ones like Isis, Horus, Aries, Oshun, Hecate, and Kali to name a few.
Let's look at channeling. What does one need in order to channel effectively. Well, we need a sensitive and clear receiver. And we need for the receiver to be tuned to the same frequency as the transmitter. How does one become "in tune" then with the frequency emissions of these Gods or Goddesses? Simple as a pimple. What else does one do when they want to become friends with or understand someone they do not share a language or culture with? We hang out with them and either create common ground or discover it. In this way, we can "tune into" a new friend. Ever notice how the closest friends and family to us seem to feel like we can psychically pick up on how they are doing without any word from them? We are in tune.

The most typical way humans create this link to the Gods and Goddesses of their choosing is by creating some ritual that allows the participant to receive the Spirit of the God or Goddess by recreating the story of their life, the most quintessential parts of their life in order to experience the emotional truth of the deity they wish to create a channel for so that that current can run within them and they can receive the frequency. They are imprinting themselves with the same memories as the deity so as to become one with them. According to "Awakening your DNA" by Felicity Skye, "ritual and action set in motion an integration of these types of archetypal energies."
That's all gravy but what if you don't have the time to start jerry rigging yourself to be Aries inside and out? Another way is to review your life and feel into what you feel the currents and themes that ran through them are. The themes that repeat in the story of a Goddess mean that the Spirit of that Goddess was "watching over you." In Santeria, they say the qualities you possess that you share with a God or Goddess (ancestors) is due to the spirit  of that Goddess or God protecting your throughout your life so as to insure your life. You and the ancestor or God/dess have always been one. Or in other words, the potential of that goddess is what inspired you to survive or thrive through the same story they did. So, here is an example. Let us suppose that you grew up in a very abusive home and felt deprived of an earthly pleasures. You will most likely survive and thrive if you allow yourself to give birth to some very dark and aggressive aspects of yourself. Congratulations! You are a child of Kali. You can then parlay this release of victimhood and perform rituals to strengthen your recognition of this part of you. And like this, you will sharpen your tuning skills and channel Kail progressively. You can then consciously behave when desired under her inspiration and channel the power of this goddess. Use your intuition to guide your search and then look at what you can transform into with what you went through. The more precisely your own life events match the life events in the mythos of your God or Goddess, the stronger your connection. Tally, ho.

Service to Self as a Path to Ascension

Many people by now are familiar with The Law of One which is a channeled work. While I don't espouse to one doctrine or another, I feel like it's important to talk about the service to self vs. service to others  paradigm that's been floating around. The reason I feel like it's important to talk about it is that empathic people, by nature, are very giving and let's face it...co-dependent. And what this leads to is a life of victimhood at the hands of sociopaths who look for service to others beings to feed off and are especially drawn to their generous, gorgeous energy.  Consider this my cynical Orion/Martian side giving you some big sisterly eye openers. I know my starseed kin are very golden-hearted but alas...most of Gaia is not. Hence why it was necessary to descend and inject into Her the Love that Her children were incapable of reciprocating.

Gaia sent out the call for help because She was drowning in negativity and fear. Fear that the greed and selfishness of Her children and adopted children would self-implode and destroy Her as they have done to many, many planets before Her. (Oh...but maybe THIS time they'll change. Yes, Momma. We got our soft, sweet hearts from you.) After they feast on their victims, the service to others light workers are left feeling drained and have to spend days to replenish while distracting themselves from the fact that they are the food of vampires by telling themselves that to be a victim and hand over their energy for the light of others who cannot and will not appreciate them is their "role" as light workers. To show the loveless what love is. But here is some Earthy wisdom I have managed to gather over my time here. Those without Love in their hearts can never recognize Love if it sat on their faces and farted. Michael Tsarion does a wonderful expose on the rampant sociopathy that has taken hold of society. His work is meant to enlighten and armor; not frighten.

 I spent the first part of my life (or what I consider my previous double life) experimenting with the service to others mentality as part of both my duty to take on earthly roles and part of my studies into humanity. Service to others works only in a paradise where other people are as empathic and appreciative as the folks for whom thinking of others first comes easiest and most naturally to. What I ended up with was a life of being surrounded by takers without limits due to my incapacity to say "no" and little to no life left for myself and my dreams. The very reason Gaia brought me into this experience was to dream through me. Not to dream for others. That would serve the illusion that I was somehow separate and special and had something  or connection they did not. We all have the same capacities. Equal but unique.

I've had many memories of being service to self on Orion. And no. I was never some controlling dictator. In fact, our controlling dictator worked under the guise of "I only do what is best for the people."  Doesn't that sound familiar? Look at the organized religions here. They all claim service to others and yet, coincidentally, only one or a very few members up top are the powers to be that determine what exactly is best for "the others." Orion became trapped in a herd mentality where fear became to engulfing factor and a police state intruded even into our very thoughts. And yet, the same dark ones that ruled with an iron fist in the name of "the good of all" have somehow concocted a clever way for humanity to police their own thoughts. How many of us experience doubt or guilt or shame as if some invisible eye were policing our thoughts thinking it belongs to society or some invisible judging deity when that very eye is us?

The problem that the dark ones have that we of freedom do not is that we can merge with planetary consciousness. Yes, that is the trick to being service to self AND ascending. You can never know what someone else's needs are. Even we are in a constant unfolding of our hearts to ourselves.  Our unfolding needs are a mystery even to us. Any intention to serve some need is simply a projection of your own illusion. You can only know YOUR needs. And Gaia's needs through YOU. On Orion, the "heretic" priests and priestesses were simply the ones who dared to believe beyond the limits of what the Orion authorities allowed (consider our own earthly organized religions and how many people will refuse to believe anything that was not personally sanctioned by them.) The darkest times in Orion corresponds to the time of Atlantis on Gaia (more on how that works later.) As a result, no one on Orion thought that escape from the Orion empire would be possible and that all souls would be doomed to be incarnationally stuck and born and reborn into a system that frankly felt dead and miserable. One way to escape was to open up an astral portal which required tremendous powers of dreaming (thought, emotion, focus, total conviction. An art that requires one to know how to enter a trance through self-hypnosis while simultaneously remaining in focus enough to direct a vision. The feminine art of surrendering to a receptive frequency and the male art of the visionary and focus) due to how strong the collective Orion matrix resisted escape. Tales were told of Gaia, a planet where one could be what they wanted. But no one believed the would ever be able to escape to a Gaia where Orion has yet to have total control. Or worse, no one could believe that Gaia would in fact escape the clutches of the seemingly inconquerable Orion Empire.  It was as if a dystopian America began to lay their eyes on some new virgin territory. Everything repeats. Naturally, as an extreme case of service to self, I was not on board with the powers that be to acquiesce.  I absolutely hated the "because we said so" motto of the service to others powers that be. Many of us revolted. Many of us eventually made it to Gaia and again resisted. Many of us refused to surrender the dream of a free Gaia. Many of us were called "fallen angels." The resistance was taken to Gaia. The resistance was eventually once again demonized as enemies of humanity for our effort to free them. Earthly religious texts are a who's who of blacklisted freedom fighters whose crimes included teaching mankind reading and writing and how to fight and arm themselves against imposing forces. Here's a good example of biblical references to the resistance. As with all texts, consider the source and their agenda.

The best way to maintain a frequency of service to self (which is a lot more empowering than service to others) is to focus on your meditational grounding skills. Learn to ground effectively so that you may know Mother Gaia in yourself and yourself as a projected aspect of Mother Gaia. Yes, you are part dream of Gaia-Sophia and part inspiration of your previous planet where your consciousness is currently descending from. In your meditation, focus also on your connection to Source. Feel yourself as one with Gaia and one with Source, the Cosmic, humanity, etc. As you do this, your humanity strengthens. You will feel compelled to align your personal perspectives and desires with the good of all. Soon, naturally, you will always desire the good of all as desiring for the good of all is a natural and human feeling that will bring you rewarding vibrations. Your desire will spring up in a healthy and wholesome way that is in balance with all the kingdoms of Gaia. You would never desire something that would hurt Her like say, useless fur vanities (side eyes to all the pop star divas that kill animals for vanity. I would not want to be you...) You will dream in unison and harmony with all Her kingdoms. These vibrations are close or you can bring them into 5D which is unity thinking. This opens up a portal of thought and potential to you that will inspire and compel you towards your heart truest dreams and desires, your soul mission. How you will help Gaia ascend. What lucid dream is Gaia attempting to magic through you? As you meditate, speaking about what you experience or acting upon the 5D principles will anchor your higher self into the NOW of your 3D.

Because we are all one, when I uplift you, as one with Gaia, I uplift Her. Even the tiniest lift in frequency will help Gaia's lucid dream become more powerful and as a result, more power and talents will unfold from Gaia through me. See? Helping you, helps me. I can be a greedy little bitch and it's okay because the more I help you, the more I help myself and the more I can benefit and help myself, I can help you!

You can still help others but we are invited to use discenrment and creativity.  Keep in mind that You are Gaia-Sophia. And what you do to yourself or allow towards yourself, you are doing to and allowing to happen to Her. And we all know She's been through quite the ringer. Be kind to others. Most importantly and this juncture, be kind to yourself, star kin! Refuel and rest as needed!

PS: If you, my dear StarKin, recognize the awful symptoms of co-dependency within yourself and seek to be free, I HIGHLY suggest  this site: www.innerbonding.com

There are many free tools you can check out and use. I can't do the work for you but I can help you by telling you what helped me. This work helps you to reconnect to and HEAL your inner child. (Inner child=Inner magician.)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Are You a Black Dragon?

Well, if you got to this point, then you should already know the Divine Plan was all about the unfoldment of Gaia-Sophia (plantetary intelligence) through us so that we can be at  Her highest expression of Herself and once again restore Her original Divine plan for Her Human experience. We're talking some X-men shit.  You may even be among the many that remember answering the call from what appeared to be an angelic realm. Possibly Pleroma. Each soul entered many gates in order to descend their consciousness in order to be able to manifest and incarnate in the third dimensions  so as to grasp the concepts of and anchor into 3D Gaia-Sophia and raise Her vibration. In the Orion, our intelligence became polarized as one side became tyrannical and despotic. Mind you, this is from the point of view of the opposing force.  In other words, my perspective.  From their angle, they may say I, and others like me, were endangering the social order. That they happened to dictate. In response, many souls were sent to be born as Orion children because it seemed that the only souls cunning enough to beat an Orion was another Orion. These souls vibrated to freedom and did not accept the illusion of outside authority. They became an annoying and troublesome thorn in the sides of the powers that be. Most dangerous to the order because their freedom had absolutely no price and could not be bought or bartered for.  To hide from power after lifetimes of being killed or punished, they became a mindset and not one singular easily executable person. The movement went underground so that it was nowhere to be found by authorities and could no longer be supressed. That way, who was the Black Dragon? Everyone. Everyone who believed in freedom.

I'll share personal glimpses and memories i had soon. In the mean time, I would love to hear if anyone else has any memories!

About Me: Are You Looking for Me?

 Ever since the waves stared to come in, the collective consciousness has finally reached the critical mass necessary for us to reach the vibration that will allow us to unfold more of our DNA. We no longer have to work under cover in dark and negative places to raise the frequency and expand the consciousness of everyone we come across. Now is the time to unite, heal and share!

Here's a few things about me that maybe we have in common:

I was born with knowledge of epinoia, the noosphere, multidimensional existence, DNA repair,  and that the collective had somehow lowered it's vibratory frequency in response to some yet unrevealed (to 5 yr old me ) trauma. At three, I was haunted by flashbacks of Mars. Now, I say haunted because the striking and detailed images and perceptual experiences would just seemingly pop into my mind like someone with PTSD but the memories themselves were not that traumatic. I remembered the one that jumped out at me most was one in which I hopped into what looked like a fighter jet after an enemy had surprised attacked us at night. (No, I don't watch Star Wars. I never will, dammit. Teehee.)  My two friends flanking me on either side began to insist we would not make it despite the large bravado I had in this life. There was a lot of firing around us and the last words I heard were, "We are sending your soul to Earth." I was upset because it that timeline, although I travelled to Earth before, I found it extremely primitive and I preferred the activity of war, strategy and tactics.

In the thick of battles, I had forgotten that the reason I went to Mars was to further imprint my DNA so that my success in assisting with Gaia's ascension would be protected from sabotage or worse, the ever dreaded self-sabotage (dreaded because one then feels compelled to immediately incarnate and repeat that whole damn boring thing over again till you get it RIGHT! You cannot proceed in your mission without fulfilling the necessary frequency which means rectifying failures to withhold intention. Focus, young grasshopper. Always, focus...).  This is done by imprinting yourself with many consecutive lives of some preferable action. Let's say you go and live many lives as a soldier who always stays on mission. By the time you decide to take your consciousness and descend into Earth, you will begin to fog out and forget your plan as you are overcome with that immense  amnesia that descension into Gaia brings that is brought on by the density of the low frequency collective thoughts, amnesia and auras. Now, the good thing about being imprinted is that you do not have to remember that you will be tempted and must stay strong to your mission because it has embedded itself into your unconscious mind. It is now part of your very Nature. Your very nature will be that of a steadfast soldier and your success is more assured than if you were not imprinted. Many of us also came in as squeaky clean as possible by redoing even the most mundane lives to make sure we completed them as authentically as possible. You just cannot take any chances incarnating into Mother Gaia-Sophia. Not while the whackos lurk about thirsting for power for power's sake.

Years later, I would abandon my attempts at telepathic geolocation (When I was small, I was shown that they could not relocate me due to a time-lock. That's fancy schmancy talk for they plain old can't find me due to the insanely dense and low vibration. It's like dropping a grain of glass into mud and them trying to not loose track of it as it drops and sinks in. ) and decided it must have all been some escapist fantasy that my childish mind created to escape the abusive and violent place my house would become. Only as an adult did I realize that it is quite odd for a child who is not in school yet or interested in space to receive such vivid and detailed imagery of a place she was not even told could exist.
My father worked for the Department of Defense. Yes, I know. I would really not care to tell the name of the arsenal but at this point, it doesn't matter because no one is really reading. Lol. There was a lot of dark and negative energy around him and he admired Hitler. Yes, this is what our taxes go to. I had the typical high levels of poltergeist and psychic pneomena/activity that all "starseeds" had. I was told it was evil and was demonized instead of nurtured. In response, I began to fear and worse, suppress myself.
My violent upbringing and restrictive/unfulfilling life led to a severe case of suicidal depression that I was told was "my cross to bear" for Jesus. As you know by now, if there is one thing Orions hate, it is illogical stupidity. I rejected everything I was given as a child eventually.

Unable to forget about my mystical and paranormal experiences or my very detailed flashbacks, I began googling now that Google was born. I did not find anything even close till I found this video of a child named Boris. The other side of the world, another generation, the same story...but from opposite sides! Turns out his memories (which were more detailed than the ones I remembered. His mother, however, was supportive. I had to hide all of my experiences and as a little girl, was told not to share. What was shared was always demonized.) were of battling me and my friends in one of the great battles of the last great, cataclyismic war. He remembered the soul technology and the ships and the skies. He said the war was over a technology. His side was able to place a soul into a stone and the other side was able to beam them directly to a planet. Exactly how I was sent to Earth!

In my experience's point of view, Boris did not know he was working for the same dark and draconic Orion influences that were attempting what they could to trap souls to THEIR collective.  This is why he had memories of scientists asking him to do unsavory genetic experiments according to his mother who would watch him replay these memories while playing with his toys as a child. This is also why he remembers they were attempting to turn Saturn into some second sun. Saturn was being highjacked as a dead planet that was now operating as some enormous programmable frequency emission device (in other words, as a dead planet, it was not organic and ever-changing like Gaia but replicating whatever frequencies and programs were poured into it from cosmic or human sources and computing through its own planetary frequencies.) Saturn was being programmed into some sort of consciousness trapping mechanism by emitting low frequencies so that those souls and energies trapped in Orion or other lowering frequency civilizations would remain trapped and low. The Orions favored fake and manufactured feelings and experiences as those can be controlled and harvested. Corporations do not exist without human collective energy. That is one example. A dead planet that is over run by sky highs and corporations while shipping in food from slave planets is a dark Orion's wet dream. My family on Mars (a union of two houses from Lyra and Orion) kept the sacred technology that allows a soul to escape entrapment but we knew it could easily be abused by dark souls wishing to escape their own creations if they kill yet another planet, for example. I have so much more to say about everything but I will go little by little every day because I hate reading long....boring...blogs. I'm also figuring out my place in raising the frequency at my station point.