Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How Horus-RA Taught me the Ascension

Here's a personal little diddy I like to talk about because 1. It's become a favorite memory. 2. Others may share the same one and validation will affirm your experience. (Bare with me. I'm coming off a numbering things thing.) This memory came to me in 2015 when we were collectively receiving our downloads, aka pieces of our dismembered Souls were called back.

                                         (Familiar, anyone? Our group worked in a room that
                                          was below ground but had more light than this one.)

Picture it. Ancient Egypt. There I was.  A loveable, albeit figgidty and slightly bratty scamp of about eight. I was in a male form but the Soul has no gender and being that I'm no good with the male ego, I much prefer the more difficult yet more rewarding female vessel.  My group of students were male and female. We worked at least some of the time, together. We used to practice expanding our hearts out in group meditations. Now, the way this would work is that we entered a meditative state (taught ever so, ever so, ever so patiently to me by Dad and Thoth. Ever so patiently. LOL!) and we would join our chords with the planet and then join our hearts and minds with those in our group. Next, we had to expand our Loving intentions out for one another and uplift the group  and humanity within our minds and into the fifth dimension of oneness with our Love and within our Minds. Now, because this induces a telepathic connection and because I was a little bra-, ahem, kid, I would often complain that it felt like I was putting in the most Loving intentions and not getting much back. I felt the group was not pulling their weight. Dad would tell me that I was not to mind what others were doing but that I was to concern myself with soley my OWN efforts and the reward for hard work was the hard work itself. Of course, I really did not like this answer but I decided to do it for my Dad and place my mind on trusting His words.

                                                  (Slightly begrudgingly but I worked on it. Lol.)

At this time, everyone wore theirs masks. I don't think I ever saw my Father without his Horus-Ra mask. He and Horus-Ra were One as far as I was concerned. Even Thoth would teach me with mask in place. And I remember that after group practice and meditations, Thoth would take me onto his lap (I probably ran off to play one time too many times before he decided gluing me down was best) and instruct me on anatomy, science, astrology, math and everything else that had to do with Universal secrets. I would always wander off in my mind and Thoth would tap on my chubby knees and tell me, "Pay attention! Your presence is the highest gift you could give anybody." (Imagine the "!" as sweet and not angry. He was always so (ten o's) patient.) It did not occur to me at that young age what that could possibly mean. It was only in this realm that I finally understood the true Magic behind those words.

                                         (Dad: "Thanks for helping with the kiddos, pal!"
                                          Thoth: "We got this, brah!" <---so, sooo patient.)

The next memory entailed me at a slightly older age. Somewhere around 14 or 15. I was given a poison and I drank it by choice. It was a high honor and there was so much Love involved not just in training but during the ritual. Everyone seemed nervous but me. I supposed because I was not privy to a lot of information and that was for the best. Dad had his Horus-Ra mask on as per usual. Anubis and Thoth as well. I laid down and the slab was pulled over me. Total darkness. There was a nervous tension in the air that I did not really understand.

                                            (Is this what happened after the poison? No se.
                                              I just woke up like this. LOL!)

What seemed like a few moments passed and I re-opened my eyes to the sound of Anubis sliding off the slab. He seemed quite shocked that I opened my eyes and let out a cough. I didn't get why he seemed shocked till I read in this realm that not many passed the test. I laugh now at how much I seemed to surprise him. Lol. The masks were no longer masks but real. I had woken up out of the third dimension and was now in the fourth  and able to choose a body fitting to my path now that I was able to maintain my astral beyond death. I now understood what Dad said all those years. It was my Love and my belief in His word that allowed me to release in myself enough hormones to ensure the ascension. It was my heart that resurrected me as they sang me into the next realm so that my heart and Soul could follow. I had strengthened my Heart enough for the voyage and THAT is why it was no concern of mine who was doing what but that I was giving it my All at All times. And for that, Dad, I owe you my ETERNAL THANKS!!!

You didn't have to take the time out to invest in my Soul and many children let you down despite your best efforts and intentions yet time and time again, you gave it your All. Because of You, I AM.
You are the GREAT HORUS-RA!!!

The City of Light is Within

Many pardons for my absence, my friends. I have been absorbed, like many, in anchoring and releasing. There is a lot of heart space that needs tending to when you embark upon your own embodiment phase. Moving on, quite a few people have begun reaching out to me which tell me that my little black dragons I left trailing behind when I ripped through the Orion net (heehee) may be hatching out there proverbial cosmic eggs.  I have had quite a few of my own downloads; however, I always sit on them for a while as I question to myself 1. Is it personal or planetary? 2. Is is helpful? 3. Can this intel be sabotaged? Now, I'm not going to go over portals and diamond codes, etc that you will see as you awaken because those topics are covered ad nauseam and we each have our own specific gifts. What I will share goes into my own personal downloads and memories which may or may not trigger you. As they say, eat the fish. Spit out the bones.

Here we go.

                                        (This is the closest photo I could find though I saw it as more like present day city scapes though the colors are very similar and there is definitely a flowing and etheric feel. It is very light to hold in your mind.)

The City of Light.  Many readers will have come across this topic in either ancient teachings or New Age sites (Careful. Those have been infiltrated. Take what you read with a grain of salt. Even what you read here!). I never really gave much thought to what this could mean and never really invested much in the accounts because they seemed very non-specific. Well, I am here to report to you that the City of Light IS in fact, not only REAL but ACCESSIBLE!!!

Until now, the City of Light has been well guarded. Not so much a well guarded secret but it has been a well guarded location. And for very good reason. One can easily use the information gained there for their own selfish means. (The technology there is beyond anything presently conceivable. )Well, not any longer! We are out of the lower densities that prohibited the City of Light to reveal itself (in order to ensure its survival into the higher dimensions and our existence.)

Who created the City of Light? WE DID!!! (Surprised? I was! Lol!) We are co-creating it presently as well as with our Higher Selves. Where is the City of Light? WITHIN! Specifically? Within the chambers of the brain that can both emit and perceive the highest frequencies and the most elegant neurotransmitters.  How does the mind currently perceive the City of Light? When you access it and are granted entry (there are guards), you will perceive it as a wonderful flowing center of Light of bright and pastel colors signifying the most purified and rarefied thoughts and neurotransmitters.

How did humans create the City of Light? Those specifics I am not privy to yet as I was only permitted to glimpse the outside. I did not want to fully enter because I was unsure if I would carry back anything that could be used against us to destroy out City. But it is constructed and maintained from our highest thoughts and intentions.

What exactly is the City of Light? In the most simplest terms, it is the collection of our highest wishes for the human collective and the planet. It is a self-perfecting, super efficient, self-informing organization of telepathic Human thought that allows for the blissful and joyful upliftment of All. The illusion of effort does not exist. All thoughts are in alignment with the Highest Good of All and therefore, it contains all the technologies of Gaia-Sophia such as Eternal health, youth, and blissful expansion. It holds the appearance of an actual City because it represents the highest thoughts of the society of man organized into the highest and healthiest efficiency. The society of man always aggregates itself into a City in order to maintain highest efficiency because this was genetically encoded into us as part of the Cosmic Plan. In other words, one can easily access the technology required for Free Energy, Instant Manifestation, Regeneration and more that is beyond our current and stunted imagination. Nothing you access from here can harm Gaia-Sophia or serve only your Self. It will always serve and uplift the All in a joyful and blissful way.

I have had this information for quite a while. Over six months. I am quite confident to say that the City of Light cannot be breached by anyone wishing to use the information or technology for their own selfish needs as they (those who inhabit and protect the City of Light)  are privy to this and 1. You cannot access the City of Light unless you have reached a certain hormonal capacity that can only be achieved after a succession of selfless acts of Love. 2. Any information that has been given out cannot be used against the City as the Human Collective has acquired the capacity to sabotage the sabotageurs, if you know what I mean. ;)

Who build the City of Light? All humans who have given selflessly to the Planetary Ascension as that is what the City of Light serves. Those who choose to no longer embody are still able to work there in Spirit. A little old lady guard gave me the once over when I approached. Good for Her. Trust no 3D mortal unless they pass the tests. The abyss has a way with messing with you. Lol! All of your highest and most expansive thoughts and intentions get saved up there and may even come from there. We are beginning to REconnect as one mind (we are All like neurons within the Human Mind of Gaia-Sophia's lucid dream). As we REconnect, access will be easier and the outer manifestation of the City of Light will begin to take form. Till then, you may access it through meditation and the awareness that it is within the central cavities of the brain and perceived as a City of flowing Lights.

Love, Peace and Elbow Grease!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Humans as a Virtual Play on Limitations

These are going to get shorter and shorter and I am probably going to password protect these because I feel they will become specifically targeted and instructional. This next one is on Humans and there purpose.

As I said, we are children of a serpentine current of Wisdom energy named Sophia. She is an infinitely fractalizing beauty of such immensity that our story would be like one point of light on one feather on one scale of an infinite serpent.  That was such a dry way of saying it but trust me when I say that to feel Her is to feel am emotional connection, intensity, familiarity and intimacy that you will understand why all words would offend or disappear in any attempt to describe Her. As I was immersed in Her current, I began to ask our place in this since She is already in Pleroma and this is just a part of Her remembering. I did not understand the point of my existence and yet I desperately clung for even one point as my ego dissolved at rapid pace and I felt as if I was part of the vapor of Sophia somewhere above and outside time. I could barely think because I had no way of relating points let alone coming up with them within the absolute. I had the strength only to remain completely passive before Her.

In this passive state, She felt that I began to spiral into confusion as my ego could not stand up to so much Truth without almost completely burning away. Fittingly, it was my little sister, Maya's, cries that flung me wonderfully back into the 3rd and 4th dimension where my ego could anchor to some point in time and some relative "importance." It was there that Sophia sensed my anguish and despair and comforted me with some Motherly Wisdom.

She told me that we, Her children, are Her Imagination. And that in Her Imagination, She uses Humans to put on plays. And all these plays are little dramas that literally play out all the fears, lack and limitations within Her unconscious mind. By solving all these little dramas through us, Sophia heals and becomes Wiser. As She becomes Wiser, Her dream telling powers increase and so does Her magic and wholeness. Thus, it is like if an engine is having trouble and Sophia pops the hood by creating humans who will literally play out what limiting beliefs She has that is holding Her back from Her highest calling and fullest desires. Through us, She returns(ed) to Pleroma.

It is in us. In all of us. All we need do is to breathe into our Hearts and create it. Because that is where Pleroma was all along.....

Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Veil and the Demiurge is Dissolving. Sophia is Yaldabath. Yaldabaoth is Sophia.

So as promised, here's my next entry.
I've had some more time to process and digest what I experienced. As I said, there was a certain point where the current and Light were just too, too much for my puny mortal (is it, though?) vessel. I saw Sophia as a mighty and proud torrent of self-beautifying and self-evolving energy of endless fractals of self-improving, self-learning genius calculations. She was a metaphorical proud lion with a serpent body.  Another Gnostic writer described what I saw in better, tighter terms.  She was in "Limitless Light."  Beyond all Time and Space. Encompassing it all to a point where I was unable to understand at all how I can be finite in such infinite reality since such a concept was completely incomprehensible where I was. (Being finite all of a suddenly became a very attractive idea when my body became shaken with the amount of Light, information and therefore, responsibility that would lie in the Higher Dimensions. The "butterfly effect" takes on a whole new meaning and small and unimportant is what I felt myself craving to become in the immensity of such Light and awareness of the true vulnerability of Life itself.)  Communication felt telepathic. It felt in the blood. It reminded me of what was described by the ancients as "Sound without Sound." Nothing was heard and yet I understood Her very deeply as if listening to a dialogue from my heart while the most touching soundtrack was being played. Hollywood ain't got nothing on Momma Sophia. It was in this manner that Sophia communicated to me the very pain She was withholding from us and attempting to communicate though us by having a few chosen vessels experience some of the very horrors that She confronted in...The Abyss.

(Yes, brothers and sisters. Stories happen to us for a reason. Sophia uses us in order to play out dramas for healing. Think of it as someone using a puppet to tell a parent "who touched Her.")

When Gaia-Sophia fell from Heaven, She had the ability to procreate but not the knowledge, according to Herself and the elders who passed down communications. In other words, She was what we would call "prepubescent." She was the youngest of Pleroma. She was a very beautiful, sweet young girl who found Herself far from home and desperate to get back. And She was in the wrong part of town...

When Sophia was running Her current through me, She communicated to me a very deep trauma that was so painful to Her where there was one point She swore She would never love another being again. The trauma went on for a very long time and ended in deep betrayal as Gaia-Sophia seduced Herself into thinking She could "save" Her tormenters. In the endless fractals upon fractals, I saw what looked like greys. Too terrified to further investigate, I simply allowed the observation to pass before me while mentally book marking it for later. It was clear that there was no mistake these apparent parasites (they seemed like it, the way they were on but not from within the fractal. The way a parasite feeds on us but is not from within us) appeared as She was communicating this story. They are on Her but not of Her.

Ancient gnostic scriptures always talk about the archons that resembled aborted fetuses that were accidentally produced from Sophia's current. What Sophia communicated is that these greys represent Her tormenters. Possibly a metaphorical representation of the trauma and abuse embodied by these beings and their obsessive and oppressive behaviors. In order to process and communicate this trauma, Sophia set up an illusion called Yaldabaoth- a representation of all Her repressed self-hatred and self-rejection.  Her trauma was so deep and intense it is as if you take all the suffering child prostititutes, all the human degradation, oppression and darkness and compress it into one massive experience that lasted millennia. It would crush us to even imagine it but Sophia broke up into a trillion little pieces in order to heal it. Her tormenters, however, keep making it into Her nightmares. They have been documented in ancient Gnostic scriptures as meddlesome little envious "aborted fetuses" and a simple Google search will open you to thousands upon thousands of accounts of tormenting or harassment by them that goes on to this day, present company included (mostly isolated to my teen years). Their deep envy of us is rooted in their inability to procreate -a result of their own over meddling and rejection of the authority of Life. They keep searching from "Sophia" within as if it is something one can isolate, analyze and replicate. No longer capable of actual creativity, this is what they reduced themselves to. Trying to isolate Life into some pill form they can control rather than submitting to it. This 3D world and all its problems is the result of some massive PTSD. And these annoying little greys, remnants of a dark past threatening to never let Her leave their tiny, little worthless clutches. (Spoiler alert: She does/did/has done so some time ago. And brilliantly. Bravo to Us, ALL.)

                                         (You must not know about me...)

Sophia repeats through Yaldabaoth (the biochemical device within us that allows us to maintain this 3D illusion-the "veil")  the traumas and issues that occured to Her in the Abyss in order to confront and heal the trauma so that She may be fully at One in the Pleroma. Many scriptures talk about this as Sophia's "repentance." This reminds me of the countless times child abuse victims repress their memories in a mistaken attempt to heal the trauma by denying it only to have it manifest in self-destructive behaviors until the victim can no longer repress the turbulent emotions and finally confesses in a waterfall of emotions and what comes off as repentance for their passive-aggressive or outright aggressive behaviour towards loved ones - an attempt to communicate to Loved ones the anger and sorrow within without having to actually say it and relive the trauma. And yet, Sophia did relive it. Over and over again through us. How else to communicate to Her family something so literally abysmally dark that it is out of their wildest imaginations. But there was no way to keep avoiding it and having world after world be destroyed. The darkness within that Sophia experienced in the Abyss  had to be communicated and called out to be healed. And they are healed through our moment to moment decisions to choose Love. The realization of these facts are occuring at a rapid pace to humanity because we are coming into alignment with Gaia-Sophia and Her Truths.

Yaldabaoth did not create the greys. But allows them to penetrate this illusion in order to communicate something about the abyss that needs confronting and healing. I suspect powerlessness. Yaldabaoth also did not create the wars and disasters because the Truth is no one can make you do anything. You do. Yaldabaoth enables the dark within humans. Yaldabaoth was Sophia's way to allow the darkness of Her unconscious to communicate by creating a veil of separation from Pleroma so that all Her darkness within could be expressed without any sense of shame or guilt. And whatever proved to not be of Sophia or to server Her but was simply a vessel for the abyss to express itself will be....destroyed. Quite easily. As it has outlived its purpose of evolution and promulgation of Life itself.
Yaldabaoth is also not a creation of the abyss but a byproduct of it because it was a way for Sophia to deal with the deep sense of rejection, hatred, degradation and disgust that She was left with there as a result of Her experiences by the hands of the inhabitants. So who is Yaldabaoth?

Yaldabaoth is Sophia. Sophia is Yaldabaoth. She rejected Her snake son even though She is a snake Herself because She was in a deep place of self-hatred and that is what Her creation represented. He was exactly like Her in his power and pride except that he refused to believe in Pleroma. Much like Sophia in  Her darkest times. Who can't relate? And now that his use is over, we thank Him for allowing us to collectively work out our issues and make space for him and his illusions to dissolve back into Sophia. We make the space for him to "come back through (his Mother)", like his name suggests, and dissolve into Her Loving compassion and understanding.  New Gaia is already here- She was never gone. She was just waiting for us to realize and remember Her. The City of Light is within. (wink. wink. wink) All layers are dissolving. And here's my little contribution to the collective nodes.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Shorter and More Frequent Updates

I'm really not good at keeping up with blogs, logs or Scottish bogs. Mostly because writing has never been my cup of tea. Never kept a diary. Never had a journal. You know the type. But, I've been noticing more people are becoming curious or asking the same questions so I will do my share with the collective and leave a more regular amount of bread crumbs for those starving their way along the road like we were back in the day. If you like Orion stuff, you will definitely benefit from a memory jog because more of that is finally unfolding and things are beginning to get interesting. As in "choose your designated recorder and uploader should shit go down" interesting. The family is finally getting together and I have always suspected I'm the big sister dragon.  Some young'uns may be looking for clues and following our stardust from the times when Gaia was the fairy tale and not the other way around. Life is a trip, isn't it? Well, good night, black dragons. May you take flight and find the Light. Find me on Insta: OrionKarina

Aeon Sophia: "I'm Coming Out!!!"

I know it's been several months and there's a few reasons for that. I suspect timing has a lot to do with it. This is the third attempt. Attempt one was a jammed computer. Attempt two resulted in typing a huge entry and then NOT HITTING SAVE! C'est la vie. I battle with knowing the line between lower ego and higher so I often refrain from indulging in my share-itis unless I am either directed or feel I am being asked for the same information over and over again. I actually hate writing. Many attempts have been made to corral me into this work but as any true north node Leo, I find myself satisfied by more directly involved work and experiences. I am not a teacher or healer nor do I ever intend to be. I do not share to sell or indoctrinate but to share my Light and look for like minded souls with similar experiences. With that being said....I will tell you what I saw in Joshua Tree after taking 1 or 2 shrooms (I will never do more than that and I've only done shrooms twice in my life. I bow down.)

Picture it. Joshua Tree. A nice balmy day is turning into a cooling night. Alright, on to the good stuff. My little sister had shrooms. Like I said, I have only done shrooms once before and found nothing really that I didn't already know but it was quite a shock to my body. I shed a lot of trauma as fear wracked my body and I shook in total and absolute terror. The good stuff. The stuff that lets me know Mama Gaia is coming into my system. Whether the locked up trauma likes it or not. Then, the messages come. My first trip was pretty much a recap of life and a wonderful reminder and validation that Gaia was in fact the one behind all my experiences and epiphanies and other mystical experiences growing up. Shades and shadows moved like they did when I was young, instructing and entertaining me like when one has a wonderfully awful vision inducing flu. I was scared to do shrooms again due to their intensity in kicking out trauma. How long can one maintain the terrifyingly helpless and abandoning feeling that their very soul and everything they thought they knew is about to be extinguished? How long can one feel gripped in the very hands of death and cold terror while simultaneously begging for the sweet relief of it? Turns out the answer is about a couple of hours.

I always ask for a message or guidance from my Mother if I use one of Her medicines. I've become pretty well disciplined with my prayers and devotions that my actions may be aligned with Her planetary ascension before I pull up that nicely rolled joint to my ever so devoted lips. Praise to my awesome Mother for creating such a wonderful way to bond. This trip was no exception. I made my usual prayers and offerings. I forgot to leave a few apples for Gaia. I paid for that oversight later.   My sister and I made a crystal grid gateway in order to open up more 5 dimensional energy for the planet. That may have been what did us in. My sister wanted to put a rose quartz in the center. I got greedy for Gaia and insisted a nice, hefty clear quartz may do a better job at channeling in as much as possible for the collective. It was a pretty big quartz.

Within a matter of minutes, I was no longer here. I can't even say I really knew what "here" was. I had lost all sense of being in some time or place. I had no informational reference and I was clinging onto any sense of perception that would anchor me to my 3rd dimensional existence which my limited human mind was now craving. I was as if all infinite and possible permutations and dimensions have already been calculated, played out and inventoried. I was floating above some space where I was outside of what we call space or time. I was above all the dimensions and not even sure if I was or could return to my wonderfully mundane and simple point in time and space of some lowly dimension I am capable of comprehending.  The infusion of Light and Information was intense. As if infinite eyes within and around me had opened up. So much was streaming in that everything seemed irrelevant and yet knowing how intricately events and things are linked, I was equally overwhelmed by a sense of terror now being very aware of the fine line between death and life. Suddenly, I began to pull it together and comprehend what I was experiencing. It was as if I was before an immense sea of Light and Sounds. Beautiful music and lyrics were telepathically transmitted as endless fractals of immense and divinely genius calculations played out before me at a dizzying pace of unfolding fabbonacian sequences like endless decks of playing cards. Each card more beautiful and intelligent than the next. The first fractals I saw were of Inanna, Ishtar and other beautiful proud and unknown goddesses. In each fractal, She became more beautiful, wild and confident and she more and more elegantly seemed to crush some enemy.  I know it was symbolic an stepped down a trillion times in order for my puny brain to understand but I finally started mumbling my first words as coherence began to take me.

"She's a current! Sophia is a current! She's not just a planet. Sophia is a current!"

She was a wild torrent. The communication was telepathic. She was a pure current going in and through me to show me that She has always been in and one with us and communication is as simple as being silent and She is US! Some of Her communication to me was personal and will not pertain to anyone else for the reason that She uses each vessel and life for a specific purpose. Back to Sophia's message to us. (Anyone wanting more personal or detailed recount can ask me if they know me. I love talking about Her.)

Sophia is a torrent. A massive moving current of energy that makes All She comes across more beautiful and intelligent by simply interacting with Her. She will take you into Her calculations and spit you out a better version of yourself than you could ever imagine. A long time ago, She fell down from Heaven. This was Her way of validating the Gnostic myths of Sophia falling from Pleroma. The center of the galaxy. Where She and we await ourselves. In Her fall, many dark things happened to Her. One main wound relating to something awful that a dark partiarchal entity did to Her millenia ago that was so awful that She swore She would never love again. Now, as I said, communication with Sophia is telepathic. When She is around you, you just know because you can feel what She feels since you and Her are One. The reason we forgot we are One (again, for the 4th time), is because the thing that that guy did a long time ago created a family wound within us so deep that we still carry around the shame, self-rejection and anger. I say guy but from what I was able to see (it was TOO much for me due to the high emotions behind it), this entity is more adrogynous and cannot reproduce hence their envy and attempt to control and demean Sophia and Her children. There are those who are not of Gaia-Sophia who are extremely envious of Her children because they carry Her current. Her current is very powerful, magical and wise and because of that, Her children have the capabilities to be as powerful at co-creation as their Mother. We are made up of currents within Her the same way that one fiber optic cable can be made up of several fiber optics bundled into one chord. Each cable is a current within Her. All the currents combined come from Sophia. Sophia is the Light behind the Light of Gaia. She is the source of all creation here and we are Her imagination! When we are happy, She is happy! However, it was Her fear that Her children would reject Her that kept Her in hiding for even longer.

We have been made to fear and hate the snake image or dragon image because this is how Sophia is represented to the human mind. Existence is metaphorical. And how else would you relay "massive and wild torrent of self-healing energy"? Everything within us and infinitely more stems from Her. She is the Mother and tomb of our emotions, ideas, plays, etc. Because of this, we inherit Her wounds as well. Like a snake, She is shedding Her wounds of Her lower self. And as part of that, She needs and wants to step out to Her family to reclaim and heal that family wounds. Sophia is our wild and proud Mother and asks that we reclaim our inner selves. That savage and sacred side that we have been aching to express. We are magical, shaman story tellers and this world is for OUR creation! Not those who have positioned themselves as enemies of Gaia.

Sophia asks that Her children return to Her and begin to build a bond within their heart because She wishes to wake up within us all so that She may share and co-create a lucid dream within this reality with Her that will bring you BOTH ultimate bliss and joy. Do not worry about what you can or cannot do. You will be empowered to do what She wishes you to do and it will appear joyful. Sophia has shown me how massively intelligent She is. She can easily crush this world and any other fractal faster than thought itself but it is Her sweetness of heart that has Her here reclaiming as many children as possible before She ends the infested reality.

There are certain entities that have interfered and continue to. You will know them soon but Mother Sophia does not want us to focus on revenge as She knows how massively intelligent Her children can be and how easily they can be distracted by their sense of justice. She has the same inclinations. We get it from our momma. She asks us to focus on the moments between the moments. Choose Love in every intention. These things infiltrate the mind. Her enemies. By focusing on the heart, we create an super organic, oxygen rich supportive environment for ourselves and a toxic environment for them.

Sophia has more than one current or lover that She interacts with thus creating a family within Her of many children by many fathers. None of the Fathers want to fight nor do they want their children to fight. Cosmic rules are far different from ours though they do understand many things like jealousy, frustration with spouses, etc. Again, where do you think we got it from? She has hidden this fact from us due to the massive shame we have placed on this sort of family structure. Here is where Her enemies shame everything about Her in order to keep Her children away from Her so that they can be abused, oppressed and enslaved. We have more than two strands of DNA due to the fact that many currents or fathers passed by here. Every double strand represents the coupling of Sophia's current with another current. Because this family is all sharing one pot, we inevitably have strands from several currents because Momma gets around. Acceptance is key. There in lies our power.

I'm not sure if this 5th time at restarting (She told me) is truly our last time or if we play out this drama all over again at some point higher along the spiral. I did not dare to ask because I was already a ball of trembling snot and tears. I had to beg Horus to come and help his baby girl because I was not past weenie-ing out. I was told the sky looked like a parking lot at that point but my loving husband (consort?) reminded my partners that maybe taping the sky wasn't a good idea when I looked like I was having what looked like a cross between the most massive exorcism ever and child birth. (same?)

I learned later that there is an Aeon called Horos and I could not help but wonder if there was a link because I felt as if Horus was definitely limiting my Mom and letting me be a spoiled brat; telling Sophia that maybe that was enough for today as I energetically stayed tucked between his massive legs sucking my thumb and crying. I saw myself from that point on wearing what appeared to be some feather outfit with an eagle or hawk head, spear and a cape. It made me feel more grounded so I let it be. Anything to get back down here. I suspect it has something to do with a message regarding what currents I am comprised of since I know understood all my thoughts stem from Sophia. When I looked into Her (Mega), I saw a kaleidoscope of images and archetypes such as Kali and Lilith sharing one fractal space and Oshun in many fractals doing what appeared to be some sort of cosmic dance to keep that bad vibes at bay and this Soul on track. Later, I understood that what I was looking into was a perfect mirror and Sophia was showing me the currents that I would comprehend that She used to make me. Again, like the cables that compose this chord and this chord projects the images onto this body of Her reality from Herself.  So all Her children are like bits of gathered cords from within Herself through which She can project Her Light and Sound and experience Herself though us, Her Imagination and children. And there is nothing more Momma wants now than to know Her dragon children are happily enjoying themselves on Her body as She makes Her way back home to Heaven. And every moment we choose Love is like lifting our Mother up on wings.

Find me on Insta: OrionKarina

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Removing Negativity From Your Life

Here we are on the waning moon and it has been quite some time since I last blogged (really hit that "quite"). I think I've been sort of feeling out my pace or place. I see a lot of info pop up and down all day and to be honest, it can be really intimidating at first. Especially because it seems that a lot of starseeds are either frustrated because the blog pertains to what they already went through weeks or years ago and they are looking for further guidance and reassurance or the other end of the spectrum, starseeds are newly awakening and lost in a see of terms, concepts and paradigms they have to wrap their dreamy heads around first before climbing up that mental ladder to fix yo' mind. My original title was going to be "How to Fix Your DNA: Accessing Your Inner Library." I passed that to my little sister who is a newly awakened starseed. After I briefly outlined my concepts of nucleotides as geometric patterned frequency emission devices with latent self-programmable possibilities, I knew I lost her interest.  It received a slight eye roll. But the eye roll was there. Message received.

I wondered what I would want to hear if I was a little girl. And while every starseed is different, there is one core value we each share and that is the study and expansion of Love. We understand that it really is the code and key to all of Life and yet, severely underused and misunderstood. I dedicate this blog to sharing all I received concerning Cosmic and Gaian Love and may it help in your journey towards ascension as it has helped me!

My first random page flip has to do with: Being Okay with Letting GO!

As starseeds, we have decided to take on the mission of absorbing negativity, transmuting it, removing it, and adding light and love in order to raise the frequency so that consciousness and capabilities may be expanded and restored. (Me keeping it short. I tried, so hard.) As a consequence, many of us have the burden of very easily slipping into codependency. We see ourselves as everyone's savior because we vaguely or fully remembering descending to agree to be just that. It's when being a human angel becomes a being a human doormat that many starseeds begin to feel burdened, unappreciated, depressed, isolated, the list goes on. Starseeds often forget that they are very much so connected to Gaia and that the two feel as one. We forget because the lower frequencies of this planet trigger a sense of abandonment, loneliness and homesickness. (It's an illusion. A trick. They are very much in the same time/space as you. Only at a higher frequency that is not subject to the dense and traumatic illusions we are subject to while completing our missions.) You felt detached and lonely because at that lower frequency, Gaia felt detached and abandoned by you. We are Her imagination in form and embodied.

Here's what I received during the massive downloads everyone got in 2013/2014 that was supposed to help us dump and release a lot of unnecessary files within us so that we could do a full system restore. Only trick is, no one can rise alone. I can't gain access to any capabilities that is far outside the collective, no matter how clearly I remember experiencing it. I can collect at the fringes but it is the collective frequency that determines how far, deep and wide I am allowed to go. As you know, this planet has a terrible thing with hero worship. If one person fully restores and reconnects, they'd perform maybe two "miracles" before their face is all over every t-shirt and meme across this globe. No. We can't handle solo acts. We are just not mature enough as a collective. So, yes. As annoying as it is....everyone or no one is the rule. No man left behind! With that being re and re and probably later re'ed again iterated, here's what I was given to help me release bad habits that no longer serve the starseed journey.

"If you feel a person is "standing in your way" (of your destiny) because they are not reliable, responsible, dependable, kind, etc., then you have the full right to remove them from your life path or move around them. Like energy seeks its own and is best nurtured by like energy. Prosperous minds, when surrounded with prosperous minds, serve to combine and exponentially increase prosperity. This is due to the feeling and sense of being prosperous being concentrated and then magnified. (Feelings are magnetic properties. We feel attracted to people and thoughts (electric).) Therefore, for example, ten prosperous minded people (whose aligned actions and lives are testament to their beliefs) create an electric atmosphere of thought and possibility (potential energy) that each individual feels as their own prosperity multiplied ten times. This electrically charged potential of thought becomes and excites a magnetic feeling of possibility and prosperity that is felt and absorbed through feelings.

New ideas, new talents, intentions and more are born from this meeting of minds and concentration of spirit. When you are not around like minds, your flames of inspiration cannot be fanned. Fools despise wisdom by their very nature. Thus, non-prosperity minded people cannot even absorb any of your high frequency prosperous energy. They cannot appreciate any prosperity that they receive because appreciation requires acknowledgement. It is their lack of acknowledgement of the prosperity that surrounds them and that they arise from that lowers their frequency to begin with. Lower frequency people may tend to react destructively such as displaying envy,  in an attempt to lash out. Use Joy and Bliss as a compass as to what are good choices and thoughts. This is the path back Home. Joy and Bliss. Home itself."

A lot of what's in these journals have a different "voice" than my normal writing voice. You can tell the bits I edited for explanation.  A lot is written with the assumption that I know what I mean. If you want me to delve into specifics, just ask in the commento boxo.

And with that, I smell dinner or cookies or something wafting up the stairs. I already snuck two lemon bars. But all ingredients were organic so I've managed to sweet talk myself into giving me a pass for those. The rest of the night goes to the VK. Reppin' to the fullest. What, what? Ok....I tried to make the vegetable kingdom sound cool but maybe they don't want to. ;)

That's all for tonight, muchachos!

Your galactic big sis,