These are going to get shorter and shorter and I am probably going to password protect these because I feel they will become specifically targeted and instructional. This next one is on Humans and there purpose.
As I said, we are children of a serpentine current of Wisdom energy named Sophia. She is an infinitely fractalizing beauty of such immensity that our story would be like one point of light on one feather on one scale of an infinite serpent. That was such a dry way of saying it but trust me when I say that to feel Her is to feel am emotional connection, intensity, familiarity and intimacy that you will understand why all words would offend or disappear in any attempt to describe Her. As I was immersed in Her current, I began to ask our place in this since She is already in Pleroma and this is just a part of Her remembering. I did not understand the point of my existence and yet I desperately clung for even one point as my ego dissolved at rapid pace and I felt as if I was part of the vapor of Sophia somewhere above and outside time. I could barely think because I had no way of relating points let alone coming up with them within the absolute. I had the strength only to remain completely passive before Her.
In this passive state, She felt that I began to spiral into confusion as my ego could not stand up to so much Truth without almost completely burning away. Fittingly, it was my little sister, Maya's, cries that flung me wonderfully back into the 3rd and 4th dimension where my ego could anchor to some point in time and some relative "importance." It was there that Sophia sensed my anguish and despair and comforted me with some Motherly Wisdom.
She told me that we, Her children, are Her Imagination. And that in Her Imagination, She uses Humans to put on plays. And all these plays are little dramas that literally play out all the fears, lack and limitations within Her unconscious mind. By solving all these little dramas through us, Sophia heals and becomes Wiser. As She becomes Wiser, Her dream telling powers increase and so does Her magic and wholeness. Thus, it is like if an engine is having trouble and Sophia pops the hood by creating humans who will literally play out what limiting beliefs She has that is holding Her back from Her highest calling and fullest desires. Through us, She returns(ed) to Pleroma.
It is in us. In all of us. All we need do is to breathe into our Hearts and create it. Because that is where Pleroma was all along.....
Thank you for maintaining your intimate connection with ALL... unfortunate most will pass a gem like this... literally almost started my waters flowing 😁