Saturday, December 3, 2016

Aeon Sophia: "I'm Coming Out!!!"

I know it's been several months and there's a few reasons for that. I suspect timing has a lot to do with it. This is the third attempt. Attempt one was a jammed computer. Attempt two resulted in typing a huge entry and then NOT HITTING SAVE! C'est la vie. I battle with knowing the line between lower ego and higher so I often refrain from indulging in my share-itis unless I am either directed or feel I am being asked for the same information over and over again. I actually hate writing. Many attempts have been made to corral me into this work but as any true north node Leo, I find myself satisfied by more directly involved work and experiences. I am not a teacher or healer nor do I ever intend to be. I do not share to sell or indoctrinate but to share my Light and look for like minded souls with similar experiences. With that being said....I will tell you what I saw in Joshua Tree after taking 1 or 2 shrooms (I will never do more than that and I've only done shrooms twice in my life. I bow down.)

Picture it. Joshua Tree. A nice balmy day is turning into a cooling night. Alright, on to the good stuff. My little sister had shrooms. Like I said, I have only done shrooms once before and found nothing really that I didn't already know but it was quite a shock to my body. I shed a lot of trauma as fear wracked my body and I shook in total and absolute terror. The good stuff. The stuff that lets me know Mama Gaia is coming into my system. Whether the locked up trauma likes it or not. Then, the messages come. My first trip was pretty much a recap of life and a wonderful reminder and validation that Gaia was in fact the one behind all my experiences and epiphanies and other mystical experiences growing up. Shades and shadows moved like they did when I was young, instructing and entertaining me like when one has a wonderfully awful vision inducing flu. I was scared to do shrooms again due to their intensity in kicking out trauma. How long can one maintain the terrifyingly helpless and abandoning feeling that their very soul and everything they thought they knew is about to be extinguished? How long can one feel gripped in the very hands of death and cold terror while simultaneously begging for the sweet relief of it? Turns out the answer is about a couple of hours.

I always ask for a message or guidance from my Mother if I use one of Her medicines. I've become pretty well disciplined with my prayers and devotions that my actions may be aligned with Her planetary ascension before I pull up that nicely rolled joint to my ever so devoted lips. Praise to my awesome Mother for creating such a wonderful way to bond. This trip was no exception. I made my usual prayers and offerings. I forgot to leave a few apples for Gaia. I paid for that oversight later.   My sister and I made a crystal grid gateway in order to open up more 5 dimensional energy for the planet. That may have been what did us in. My sister wanted to put a rose quartz in the center. I got greedy for Gaia and insisted a nice, hefty clear quartz may do a better job at channeling in as much as possible for the collective. It was a pretty big quartz.

Within a matter of minutes, I was no longer here. I can't even say I really knew what "here" was. I had lost all sense of being in some time or place. I had no informational reference and I was clinging onto any sense of perception that would anchor me to my 3rd dimensional existence which my limited human mind was now craving. I was as if all infinite and possible permutations and dimensions have already been calculated, played out and inventoried. I was floating above some space where I was outside of what we call space or time. I was above all the dimensions and not even sure if I was or could return to my wonderfully mundane and simple point in time and space of some lowly dimension I am capable of comprehending.  The infusion of Light and Information was intense. As if infinite eyes within and around me had opened up. So much was streaming in that everything seemed irrelevant and yet knowing how intricately events and things are linked, I was equally overwhelmed by a sense of terror now being very aware of the fine line between death and life. Suddenly, I began to pull it together and comprehend what I was experiencing. It was as if I was before an immense sea of Light and Sounds. Beautiful music and lyrics were telepathically transmitted as endless fractals of immense and divinely genius calculations played out before me at a dizzying pace of unfolding fabbonacian sequences like endless decks of playing cards. Each card more beautiful and intelligent than the next. The first fractals I saw were of Inanna, Ishtar and other beautiful proud and unknown goddesses. In each fractal, She became more beautiful, wild and confident and she more and more elegantly seemed to crush some enemy.  I know it was symbolic an stepped down a trillion times in order for my puny brain to understand but I finally started mumbling my first words as coherence began to take me.

"She's a current! Sophia is a current! She's not just a planet. Sophia is a current!"

She was a wild torrent. The communication was telepathic. She was a pure current going in and through me to show me that She has always been in and one with us and communication is as simple as being silent and She is US! Some of Her communication to me was personal and will not pertain to anyone else for the reason that She uses each vessel and life for a specific purpose. Back to Sophia's message to us. (Anyone wanting more personal or detailed recount can ask me if they know me. I love talking about Her.)

Sophia is a torrent. A massive moving current of energy that makes All She comes across more beautiful and intelligent by simply interacting with Her. She will take you into Her calculations and spit you out a better version of yourself than you could ever imagine. A long time ago, She fell down from Heaven. This was Her way of validating the Gnostic myths of Sophia falling from Pleroma. The center of the galaxy. Where She and we await ourselves. In Her fall, many dark things happened to Her. One main wound relating to something awful that a dark partiarchal entity did to Her millenia ago that was so awful that She swore She would never love again. Now, as I said, communication with Sophia is telepathic. When She is around you, you just know because you can feel what She feels since you and Her are One. The reason we forgot we are One (again, for the 4th time), is because the thing that that guy did a long time ago created a family wound within us so deep that we still carry around the shame, self-rejection and anger. I say guy but from what I was able to see (it was TOO much for me due to the high emotions behind it), this entity is more adrogynous and cannot reproduce hence their envy and attempt to control and demean Sophia and Her children. There are those who are not of Gaia-Sophia who are extremely envious of Her children because they carry Her current. Her current is very powerful, magical and wise and because of that, Her children have the capabilities to be as powerful at co-creation as their Mother. We are made up of currents within Her the same way that one fiber optic cable can be made up of several fiber optics bundled into one chord. Each cable is a current within Her. All the currents combined come from Sophia. Sophia is the Light behind the Light of Gaia. She is the source of all creation here and we are Her imagination! When we are happy, She is happy! However, it was Her fear that Her children would reject Her that kept Her in hiding for even longer.

We have been made to fear and hate the snake image or dragon image because this is how Sophia is represented to the human mind. Existence is metaphorical. And how else would you relay "massive and wild torrent of self-healing energy"? Everything within us and infinitely more stems from Her. She is the Mother and tomb of our emotions, ideas, plays, etc. Because of this, we inherit Her wounds as well. Like a snake, She is shedding Her wounds of Her lower self. And as part of that, She needs and wants to step out to Her family to reclaim and heal that family wounds. Sophia is our wild and proud Mother and asks that we reclaim our inner selves. That savage and sacred side that we have been aching to express. We are magical, shaman story tellers and this world is for OUR creation! Not those who have positioned themselves as enemies of Gaia.

Sophia asks that Her children return to Her and begin to build a bond within their heart because She wishes to wake up within us all so that She may share and co-create a lucid dream within this reality with Her that will bring you BOTH ultimate bliss and joy. Do not worry about what you can or cannot do. You will be empowered to do what She wishes you to do and it will appear joyful. Sophia has shown me how massively intelligent She is. She can easily crush this world and any other fractal faster than thought itself but it is Her sweetness of heart that has Her here reclaiming as many children as possible before She ends the infested reality.

There are certain entities that have interfered and continue to. You will know them soon but Mother Sophia does not want us to focus on revenge as She knows how massively intelligent Her children can be and how easily they can be distracted by their sense of justice. She has the same inclinations. We get it from our momma. She asks us to focus on the moments between the moments. Choose Love in every intention. These things infiltrate the mind. Her enemies. By focusing on the heart, we create an super organic, oxygen rich supportive environment for ourselves and a toxic environment for them.

Sophia has more than one current or lover that She interacts with thus creating a family within Her of many children by many fathers. None of the Fathers want to fight nor do they want their children to fight. Cosmic rules are far different from ours though they do understand many things like jealousy, frustration with spouses, etc. Again, where do you think we got it from? She has hidden this fact from us due to the massive shame we have placed on this sort of family structure. Here is where Her enemies shame everything about Her in order to keep Her children away from Her so that they can be abused, oppressed and enslaved. We have more than two strands of DNA due to the fact that many currents or fathers passed by here. Every double strand represents the coupling of Sophia's current with another current. Because this family is all sharing one pot, we inevitably have strands from several currents because Momma gets around. Acceptance is key. There in lies our power.

I'm not sure if this 5th time at restarting (She told me) is truly our last time or if we play out this drama all over again at some point higher along the spiral. I did not dare to ask because I was already a ball of trembling snot and tears. I had to beg Horus to come and help his baby girl because I was not past weenie-ing out. I was told the sky looked like a parking lot at that point but my loving husband (consort?) reminded my partners that maybe taping the sky wasn't a good idea when I looked like I was having what looked like a cross between the most massive exorcism ever and child birth. (same?)

I learned later that there is an Aeon called Horos and I could not help but wonder if there was a link because I felt as if Horus was definitely limiting my Mom and letting me be a spoiled brat; telling Sophia that maybe that was enough for today as I energetically stayed tucked between his massive legs sucking my thumb and crying. I saw myself from that point on wearing what appeared to be some feather outfit with an eagle or hawk head, spear and a cape. It made me feel more grounded so I let it be. Anything to get back down here. I suspect it has something to do with a message regarding what currents I am comprised of since I know understood all my thoughts stem from Sophia. When I looked into Her (Mega), I saw a kaleidoscope of images and archetypes such as Kali and Lilith sharing one fractal space and Oshun in many fractals doing what appeared to be some sort of cosmic dance to keep that bad vibes at bay and this Soul on track. Later, I understood that what I was looking into was a perfect mirror and Sophia was showing me the currents that I would comprehend that She used to make me. Again, like the cables that compose this chord and this chord projects the images onto this body of Her reality from Herself.  So all Her children are like bits of gathered cords from within Herself through which She can project Her Light and Sound and experience Herself though us, Her Imagination and children. And there is nothing more Momma wants now than to know Her dragon children are happily enjoying themselves on Her body as She makes Her way back home to Heaven. And every moment we choose Love is like lifting our Mother up on wings.

Find me on Insta: OrionKarina

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