Here's a few things about me that maybe we have in common:
I was born with knowledge of epinoia, the noosphere, multidimensional existence, DNA repair, and that the collective had somehow lowered it's vibratory frequency in response to some yet unrevealed (to 5 yr old me ) trauma. At three, I was haunted by flashbacks of Mars. Now, I say haunted because the striking and detailed images and perceptual experiences would just seemingly pop into my mind like someone with PTSD but the memories themselves were not that traumatic. I remembered the one that jumped out at me most was one in which I hopped into what looked like a fighter jet after an enemy had surprised attacked us at night. (No, I don't watch Star Wars. I never will, dammit. Teehee.) My two friends flanking me on either side began to insist we would not make it despite the large bravado I had in this life. There was a lot of firing around us and the last words I heard were, "We are sending your soul to Earth." I was upset because it that timeline, although I travelled to Earth before, I found it extremely primitive and I preferred the activity of war, strategy and tactics.
In the thick of battles, I had forgotten that the reason I went to Mars was to further imprint my DNA so that my success in assisting with Gaia's ascension would be protected from sabotage or worse, the ever dreaded self-sabotage (dreaded because one then feels compelled to immediately incarnate and repeat that whole damn boring thing over again till you get it RIGHT! You cannot proceed in your mission without fulfilling the necessary frequency which means rectifying failures to withhold intention. Focus, young grasshopper. Always, focus...). This is done by imprinting yourself with many consecutive lives of some preferable action. Let's say you go and live many lives as a soldier who always stays on mission. By the time you decide to take your consciousness and descend into Earth, you will begin to fog out and forget your plan as you are overcome with that immense amnesia that descension into Gaia brings that is brought on by the density of the low frequency collective thoughts, amnesia and auras. Now, the good thing about being imprinted is that you do not have to remember that you will be tempted and must stay strong to your mission because it has embedded itself into your unconscious mind. It is now part of your very Nature. Your very nature will be that of a steadfast soldier and your success is more assured than if you were not imprinted. Many of us also came in as squeaky clean as possible by redoing even the most mundane lives to make sure we completed them as authentically as possible. You just cannot take any chances incarnating into Mother Gaia-Sophia. Not while the whackos lurk about thirsting for power for power's sake.
Years later, I would abandon my attempts at telepathic geolocation (When I was small, I was shown that they could not relocate me due to a time-lock. That's fancy schmancy talk for they plain old can't find me due to the insanely dense and low vibration. It's like dropping a grain of glass into mud and them trying to not loose track of it as it drops and sinks in. ) and decided it must have all been some escapist fantasy that my childish mind created to escape the abusive and violent place my house would become. Only as an adult did I realize that it is quite odd for a child who is not in school yet or interested in space to receive such vivid and detailed imagery of a place she was not even told could exist.
My father worked for the Department of Defense. Yes, I know. I would really not care to tell the name of the arsenal but at this point, it doesn't matter because no one is really reading. Lol. There was a lot of dark and negative energy around him and he admired Hitler. Yes, this is what our taxes go to. I had the typical high levels of poltergeist and psychic pneomena/activity that all "starseeds" had. I was told it was evil and was demonized instead of nurtured. In response, I began to fear and worse, suppress myself.
My violent upbringing and restrictive/unfulfilling life led to a severe case of suicidal depression that I was told was "my cross to bear" for Jesus. As you know by now, if there is one thing Orions hate, it is illogical stupidity. I rejected everything I was given as a child eventually.
Unable to forget about my mystical and paranormal experiences or my very detailed flashbacks, I began googling now that Google was born. I did not find anything even close till I found this video of a child named Boris. The other side of the world, another generation, the same story...but from opposite sides! Turns out his memories (which were more detailed than the ones I remembered. His mother, however, was supportive. I had to hide all of my experiences and as a little girl, was told not to share. What was shared was always demonized.) were of battling me and my friends in one of the great battles of the last great, cataclyismic war. He remembered the soul technology and the ships and the skies. He said the war was over a technology. His side was able to place a soul into a stone and the other side was able to beam them directly to a planet. Exactly how I was sent to Earth!
In my experience's point of view, Boris did not know he was working for the same dark and draconic Orion influences that were attempting what they could to trap souls to THEIR collective. This is why he had memories of scientists asking him to do unsavory genetic experiments according to his mother who would watch him replay these memories while playing with his toys as a child. This is also why he remembers they were attempting to turn Saturn into some second sun. Saturn was being highjacked as a dead planet that was now operating as some enormous programmable frequency emission device (in other words, as a dead planet, it was not organic and ever-changing like Gaia but replicating whatever frequencies and programs were poured into it from cosmic or human sources and computing through its own planetary frequencies.) Saturn was being programmed into some sort of consciousness trapping mechanism by emitting low frequencies so that those souls and energies trapped in Orion or other lowering frequency civilizations would remain trapped and low. The Orions favored fake and manufactured feelings and experiences as those can be controlled and harvested. Corporations do not exist without human collective energy. That is one example. A dead planet that is over run by sky highs and corporations while shipping in food from slave planets is a dark Orion's wet dream. My family on Mars (a union of two houses from Lyra and Orion) kept the sacred technology that allows a soul to escape entrapment but we knew it could easily be abused by dark souls wishing to escape their own creations if they kill yet another planet, for example. I have so much more to say about everything but I will go little by little every day because I hate reading long....boring...blogs. I'm also figuring out my place in raising the frequency at my station point.
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