Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Discover Your Greatness: March 2016 New Moon and Solar Eclipse

As well all know, Ascension is a life long process that comes in waves and flows. Not one process looks or begins like the other so comparing progress would be as effective as checking your reflection in a shoe box. After all, it is the seemingly sporadic blooming of the roses on a rose bush that makes the whole damn orchestra of life beautiful to begin with. When 2012 happened to me, I was in the non-believer file. I completely believed in my galactic memories and paranormal experiences but my faith that I would see global awakening in this lifetime was on constant life support. And nor did I foresee the tremendous strength of entry Gaia-Sophia would make into my life! She was not a fading memory wrapped in tears or some hopeful wish but an unconquerable Source. Our Mother Source!  One of my favorite Ascension way showers Sandra Waters writes  in her last article Deepening For the Next Wave that "The week prior to the Solar Eclipse on March 8 (Maximum at 5:55pmPT with the New Moon) is a passage of deep choices, the Solar aspect of Self, and focus on full unification with the highest outcomes possible. It sets into form the unfoldment of those choices over the next few months. Purge any remaining thoughts of fear, worry, doubt – you will need to surrender to the higher consciousness completely, if embodiment is your personal quest. The eclipse provides pure magnetics, and we may use it to our advantage.The week prior to the Solar Eclipse on March 8 (Maximum at 5:55pmPT with the New Moon) is a passage of deep choices, the Solar aspect of Self, and focus on full unification with the highest outcomes possible. It sets into form the unfoldment of those choices over the next few months. Purge any remaining thoughts of fear, worry, doubt – you will need to surrender to the higher consciousness completely, if embodiment is your personal quest. The eclipse provides pure magnetics, and we may use it to our advantage."

Now, I don't know about you but I have definitely been feeling the effects of yet more cosmic sludge rising to the surface to be released. On the plus side, the flashbacks are becoming more detailed and precise now that they have been dislodged from even the atomic structures of our cells (the atomic is akin to the cosmic). Many of these stories hold quantuum packets of information that beckon to be released as they hold the old stories of trauma, control, war, anger, abuse et al. You may be receiving intense dreams or glimpses of intense images. For example, today while getting ready to set out, I saw a very sharp and familiar image of my hand in a very worn and unstrapped fingerless glove handling levers at a dashboard. I began to see Lyran faces (Finally. Memories of my memories. I can finally remember back to the good ole Lyran boys. Stern and serious as ever. Haha.) I usually stay away from books and writings about galactic histories until I receive my own memories so as to not become persuaded or influenced one way or another. This way, I can be sure my memories are not mere suggestions. I was born with memories of Mars and Orion so I never hesitated to see what others said but these Lyran memories are a very welcome reunion. And this will most likely be amplified by the Solar Eclipse and New Moon. We will continue to reunite with more and more aspects of our "selves" that we left in other parts of the Universe and embody them here on Gaia so as to complete our galactic missions.

It is said that magnetism is considered to be the negative pole of prana. Magnetism is the receptive and feminine quality of Gaia that attracts like unto itself. It is Her feeling and seductive force that makes work seem like pleasure when Love, as the magnetic feeling force, compels.  Magnetism is present in Gaia's blood as iron. It is this quality that anchors, attracts and compels (in a good, irresistible way)  spirit into embodiment. The core of Gaia is said to be a giant iron molten lava magnet. It is the flow of this liquid iron that creates electric current that in turn creates magnetism. (Right hand rule, anyone?) When Gaia dreams Herself as an aspect, it is dreamt in Her magnetic self. It is dreamt first as a possibility. When She dreams of a starseed, the cosmic feels compelled to answer "the call."

The spirit of a person is the totality of that person. When you are a child, you feel that the "truth" of yourself is the child. When you become a teenager, you feel that you were really a child waiting to become a teenager. Another truth. When you step into adulthood, you look back and view yourself as the child who had within her the potential of your "true" self, the adult. And yet, you were always you. Spirit feels into the "reality" of itself. A human is child, maiden and crone all in one and is constantly self-revealing like an unending toroidal force. All are true. All are spiritual potentials and true in spirit until embodied through blood to be felt so that spirit can feel into the reality of itself. It is this electric force of Spiritual potential that gets called down to and attracted to Gaia so that it can descend, embody and know itself in form. As a living story within the living library of Gaia-Sophia.

During a Solar Eclipse, the moon blocks the sun. The moon is representative of our reflective capabilities. It is the mirror in which our thoughts can look into so that we may guide ourselves through the dark and bring our hidden and undiscovered aspects back into the light so that we may know and experience them in form.  There will be no solar influence during the eclipse and this is an invitation to check-in and turn in. The Sun is pausing and asking "Is this really what you want to embody and live out?" And that is a question we must answer honestly and courageously. Are we dreaming big enough and allowing as much of our higher selves in as possible or is low self-worth shrinking our permission to be and live greatly for Gaia. Are you the Star of your own show? Are you asking for the role of a lifetime and preparing for it? Preparation is alignment.

Many believe our sun is a portal. We may even remember that it is through star gates that our consciousness descended slowly in integral steps of limitations into the lower realities until we reached the density in which the Universe of our choosing was located. Due to this, many parts of our consciousness could not descend or become embodied and for this we feel many pieces of our soul still reside in the higher planes. We experience the memories as simultaneous to now. Because the truth is, they are simultaneous to now and where you have memory, you have DNA because DNA IS memory (more on that later). We are now being invited to embody more of our higher selves that we left on the higher realms and home planets. These electrical aspects are the spirit of us, the potential of our greatness,  that can now enter to become embodied and know as living stories. The solar eclipse is an opportunity to dislodge from the collective mind, from all the does not serve you and recenter. Turn within and feel into your heart who it is YOU want to embody. And then to align and awaken that within you as you allow your higher self now to enter through the solar gate with clear intention and nourish your body vehicle and mind. Many of us can feel dizzy or get fainting spells when our higher selves descend or integrate within our bodies. This is due to vibrational shock as well as the organs of the body getting used to the new levels of hormones. And I would not be surprised if we eventually discovered new hormones. Ascensions is very much hormonal. It's as if we are in some galactic puberty. Awkward phase and all. The Solar Eclipse and the New Moon are fully supporting us to wipe the slate and be clear about the life we intend.

Orion was a very mental existence. And so my "self" honors these changes with the mental consecration of ritual. Ritual helps us to realign our mind with our spiritual intentions while using 3D items to stand in for mental paradigms, concepts or archetypes. We create a 3D scenario that represents a 4D reality that places us in alignment with our 5D truth. We readjust our mindsets until the mind is reset to our liking. Perception creates reality. The Solar Eclipse is on the heels of New Moon which is the perfect opportunity to honor this time as a massive release so that the new may enter in and through you.  Because the New Moon will be in Pisces, we will be further empowered to complete cycles of energies that no longer serve us as Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac. Many of us have been feeling a lot of activity within our cores and brain stems. This is kundalini energy.  We are co-directing our collective evolution so that Mather Gaia-Sophia may live freely and blissfully through us.

Today in meditation, I saw a crystal descend into a pool of water, realize its own reflection, realize its oneness with its reflection, become the totality of the reflection, and the water and pierce through the rippling water. The plane of the water turned upside down as the crystal that was previously  submerging itself in the water began to appear emerging from within its depths and ascend as a city of light. I saw my higher self emerge from this city as a luminous hooded women as she melted into a luminous triangle of consciousness. I believe this may be duality folding in on itself and our higher selves emerging from the Unity consciousness of all our collective memories. All paradoxes and traumas resolved and beautified. We can only emerge from this more beautiful.

I later saw a winding stream appear before me as if very ancient cosmic waters have finally found their way towards me after eons of struggles, blockages, dead ends and near annihilation.  I received the message that although waters of consciousness may have taken fantastically long to burst forth through the underground and arrive through and despite winding paths and stumbling rocks and blocks,  as a result we are receiving only the best and most purified waters.  Drink in and enjoy. You deserve it! She who can swallow her anger for the good of all is stronger than she who cannot. Galactic memories coming more on line as we are invited to release even our galactic past traumas.

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