Many people by now are familiar with The Law of One which is a channeled work. While I don't espouse to one doctrine or another, I feel like it's important to talk about the service to self vs. service to others paradigm that's been floating around. The reason I feel like it's important to talk about it is that empathic people, by nature, are very giving and let's face And what this leads to is a life of victimhood at the hands of sociopaths who look for service to others beings to feed off and are especially drawn to their generous, gorgeous energy. Consider this my cynical Orion/Martian side giving you some big sisterly eye openers. I know my starseed kin are very golden-hearted but alas...most of Gaia is not. Hence why it was necessary to descend and inject into Her the Love that Her children were incapable of reciprocating.
I spent the first part of my life (or what I consider my previous double life) experimenting with the service to others mentality as part of both my duty to take on earthly roles and part of my studies into humanity. Service to others works only in a paradise where other people are as empathic and appreciative as the folks for whom thinking of others first comes easiest and most naturally to. What I ended up with was a life of being surrounded by takers without limits due to my incapacity to say "no" and little to no life left for myself and my dreams. The very reason Gaia brought me into this experience was to dream through me. Not to dream for others. That would serve the illusion that I was somehow separate and special and had something or connection they did not. We all have the same capacities. Equal but unique.
I've had many memories of being service to self on Orion. And no. I was never some controlling dictator. In fact, our controlling dictator worked under the guise of "I only do what is best for the people." Doesn't that sound familiar? Look at the organized religions here. They all claim service to others and yet, coincidentally, only one or a very few members up top are the powers to be that determine what exactly is best for "the others." Orion became trapped in a herd mentality where fear became to engulfing factor and a police state intruded even into our very thoughts. And yet, the same dark ones that ruled with an iron fist in the name of "the good of all" have somehow concocted a clever way for humanity to police their own thoughts. How many of us experience doubt or guilt or shame as if some invisible eye were policing our thoughts thinking it belongs to society or some invisible judging deity when that very eye is us?
The problem that the dark ones have that we of freedom do not is that we can merge with planetary consciousness. Yes, that is the trick to being service to self AND ascending. You can never know what someone else's needs are. Even we are in a constant unfolding of our hearts to ourselves. Our unfolding needs are a mystery even to us. Any intention to serve some need is simply a projection of your own illusion. You can only know YOUR needs. And Gaia's needs through YOU. On Orion, the "heretic" priests and priestesses were simply the ones who dared to believe beyond the limits of what the Orion authorities allowed (consider our own earthly organized religions and how many people will refuse to believe anything that was not personally sanctioned by them.) The darkest times in Orion corresponds to the time of Atlantis on Gaia (more on how that works later.) As a result, no one on Orion thought that escape from the Orion empire would be possible and that all souls would be doomed to be incarnationally stuck and born and reborn into a system that frankly felt dead and miserable. One way to escape was to open up an astral portal which required tremendous powers of dreaming (thought, emotion, focus, total conviction. An art that requires one to know how to enter a trance through self-hypnosis while simultaneously remaining in focus enough to direct a vision. The feminine art of surrendering to a receptive frequency and the male art of the visionary and focus) due to how strong the collective Orion matrix resisted escape. Tales were told of Gaia, a planet where one could be what they wanted. But no one believed the would ever be able to escape to a Gaia where Orion has yet to have total control. Or worse, no one could believe that Gaia would in fact escape the clutches of the seemingly inconquerable Orion Empire. It was as if a dystopian America began to lay their eyes on some new virgin territory. Everything repeats. Naturally, as an extreme case of service to self, I was not on board with the powers that be to acquiesce. I absolutely hated the "because we said so" motto of the service to others powers that be. Many of us revolted. Many of us eventually made it to Gaia and again resisted. Many of us refused to surrender the dream of a free Gaia. Many of us were called "fallen angels." The resistance was taken to Gaia. The resistance was eventually once again demonized as enemies of humanity for our effort to free them. Earthly religious texts are a who's who of blacklisted freedom fighters whose crimes included teaching mankind reading and writing and how to fight and arm themselves against imposing forces. Here's a good example of biblical references to the resistance. As with all texts, consider the source and their agenda.
The best way to maintain a frequency of service to self (which is a lot more empowering than service to others) is to focus on your meditational grounding skills. Learn to ground effectively so that you may know Mother Gaia in yourself and yourself as a projected aspect of Mother Gaia. Yes, you are part dream of Gaia-Sophia and part inspiration of your previous planet where your consciousness is currently descending from. In your meditation, focus also on your connection to Source. Feel yourself as one with Gaia and one with Source, the Cosmic, humanity, etc. As you do this, your humanity strengthens. You will feel compelled to align your personal perspectives and desires with the good of all. Soon, naturally, you will always desire the good of all as desiring for the good of all is a natural and human feeling that will bring you rewarding vibrations. Your desire will spring up in a healthy and wholesome way that is in balance with all the kingdoms of Gaia. You would never desire something that would hurt Her like say, useless fur vanities (side eyes to all the pop star divas that kill animals for vanity. I would not want to be you...) You will dream in unison and harmony with all Her kingdoms. These vibrations are close or you can bring them into 5D which is unity thinking. This opens up a portal of thought and potential to you that will inspire and compel you towards your heart truest dreams and desires, your soul mission. How you will help Gaia ascend. What lucid dream is Gaia attempting to magic through you? As you meditate, speaking about what you experience or acting upon the 5D principles will anchor your higher self into the NOW of your 3D.
Because we are all one, when I uplift you, as one with Gaia, I uplift Her. Even the tiniest lift in frequency will help Gaia's lucid dream become more powerful and as a result, more power and talents will unfold from Gaia through me. See? Helping you, helps me. I can be a greedy little bitch and it's okay because the more I help you, the more I help myself and the more I can benefit and help myself, I can help you!
You can still help others but we are invited to use discenrment and creativity. Keep in mind that You are Gaia-Sophia. And what you do to yourself or allow towards yourself, you are doing to and allowing to happen to Her. And we all know She's been through quite the ringer. Be kind to others. Most importantly and this juncture, be kind to yourself, star kin! Refuel and rest as needed!
PS: If you, my dear StarKin, recognize the awful symptoms of co-dependency within yourself and seek to be free, I HIGHLY suggest this site:
There are many free tools you can check out and use. I can't do the work for you but I can help you by telling you what helped me. This work helps you to reconnect to and HEAL your inner child. (Inner child=Inner magician.)
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